17 Temmuz 2012 Salı

"Now we can get married, can't we?"

At that point, I would never have dreamt for even an instant that I could do anything but devote the rest of my life to such an unreal apparition. 

She let me give her a lon kiss on her forehead and her EYEs, and when one of her hands happened to touch my leg, she looked at me wide-EYE, but before withdrawşngs her hand, she ran it over my clothes absent-mindedly.

Bu endişeli dakikalarda, bilmediğim bir bahçenin ağaçlı yollarında, bu esen rüzgarın altında, çıplaklığım-dan daha garip bir şey olamazdı...

"story of the eye, georges bataille"

Melankoli, lanetlenmiş'lik düşüncesinin doymak bilmez gölgesidir.

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